
Public Goods

    Python Script for Public State Court Dockets

    This script is written for the VA Online Case Information System, but works with other similar systems with minor tweaks (counties in CA, for instance). Parameters to set include the search index, landing page for the OCIS, as well as your own directories for chromedriver (which is required) and output files. Time to run depends heavily on the number of records prompted. Parallelization is not baked in, but can be easily achieved by iterating over indices simultaneously (local processing is not the constraint).

    2012-2019 NC AOC Data

    These files are broadly split into 2012-2017 and 2014-2019 files due to how they are originally compiled by the AOC. Folders are split into "CRSTATXX" and "IFSTATXX", which represent criminal cases and infractions, respectively. ``ACIS Case Record Layout'' provides a map for the variables. Reach out to me directly if you want pre-processed data that converts these into an actual panel of entries.